
Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Rainbow Cupcakes With A Twist

Sorry my little Cupcake Blog has been neglected, time is running away with me, but I hope for this to be the 1st of many regular posts.

Everyone loves a great Rainbow Cupcake, they are the height of Cupcake Fashion at the moment, but lets be honest not everyone can eat them, that's where my friend Transatlantic Blondes recipe stands out from the crowd. Blondie's recipe is EGG FREE. Her little boy is allergic, so all the yummy and scrummy recipes she puts up on her blog are Egg Free, which is just fantastic.

Picture Property of Transatlantic Blonde
The Rainbow Cupcake's secret ingredient is actually Sprite, I can just imagine how sweet these Cupcakes are and can't wait to give them a go (which shall be shortly). If these pictures intrigued you do head over to Transatlantic Blonde and find her recipe, as well as some others including Cookie and Cream Oreo Cupcakes.

Picture Property of Transatlantic Blonde

Do come back and let me know how you got on.

Thanks To Blondie for agreeing for me to write this post.

Friday, 8 June 2012

What of Today's Cupcake Is????

I started this blog a few years ago now, it was before I had children and had a great deal more time and money.
I realised today that at times this blog gets more views some days than my everyday blog and I put a ton of work into that, so Cupcakes must still have a very large cult following.

My problem is I have little to no time to indulge fully on my cupcake addiction anymore, I have had to down grade the quantity I have in my home (our current flat is small and we now have 2 babies) so what can I blog about here to keep it up and running, till the day comes I can blog more about my cupcakes?

I am thinking of trying to show you some cupcake delights across the web, other blogs, shops that sell cupcakes etc, maybe get some guest posts from other cupcake bloggers and cupcake bakers, what do you think ?

Then throw in hopefully the occasional post with my Cupcake delights, lets hope.

So if you are interested in posting here at Today's Cupcake Is, or have a blog you would like me to share please do email me, as I really don't want Today's Cupcake Is to burn out just yet.
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