
Sunday, 15 February 2009

A Great Valentines Day

Well my hubby knows what I love well and my Valentines gifts were Cupcaked out.

It was a great set of pressies to open before I left for a family day out, Cupcakes are always a great start to any day.

He treated me with a set of 3 Tea towels, Oven Gloves and a fab Apron, they all have the cutest bold cupcake design and although they are very useful they are likely to be only used for decorative use only (much to the annoyance of hubby).

I hope all had a lovely romantic valentines, whatever you did, I spent mine with my siblings and Dad but the hubby and I had a nice cuddle in the evening.


P.S. Thanks my dear Sister for my Valentine Cupcakes (piccy to be shown later)
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  1. OMG my BFF Kyla will die when she sees this! Love your blog!

  2. Ha--- I LOVE it :) Kayla's right, I almost died when I saw all those cupcakes! Ha! You should go over to my blog and check out the cupcake cookie jar my mom got me for v-day!

  3. These are so cute!

    Glad you had a good valentines day x


Hey Cupcake, what do ya think ?

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